Title and Authors Name |
Biofloc technology in aquaculture and its potentiality: A review MA Halim, S Nahar and MM Nabi Pages: 260-266 - Viewed: 2818 - Downloaded: 2009 |
Growth and production performance of indigenous threatened cat fish, Clarias batrachus (Linn. 1758) based on stocking density in North Western Bangladesh Md. Abdus Samad and AM Imteazzaman Pages: 267-274 - Viewed: 1074 - Downloaded: 367 |
Prevalence of disease problems affecting shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei farming in Andhra Pradesh, India Vardi Venkateswarlu and Chenji Venkatrayulu Pages: 275-279 - Viewed: 1929 - Downloaded: 1009 |
Haematological studies of clarias gariepinus and oreochromis niloticus exposed to cadmium chloride EE Azi, PA Anunne and RA Obande Pages: 280-284 - Viewed: 934 - Downloaded: 205 |
Water quality parameters and fisheries in central river region of the Gambia: Differences between wet and dry seasons Omar Ali Bah, Tidiani Kone, Sidat Yaffa, Mamadou Lamine Ndiaye and Seyni Sane Pages: 285-295 - Viewed: 1273 - Downloaded: 497 |
Physical, chemical and sensorial quality evaluation of phosphate treated and non-treated PUD shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) samples Nitin K Suyani, SS Rathore, UG Vandarwala, Ketul Patel and RJ Rana Pages: 296-299 - Viewed: 1470 - Downloaded: 679 |
Studies on ichthyofaunal diversity in relation with physico-chemical variable of north-eastern coastal region of Tamil Nadu Amrata Verma, Geetanjali Deshmukhe, AK Pal and AK Jaiswar Pages: 300-306 - Viewed: 1040 - Downloaded: 332 |
A review of the parasites of catfishes and tilapias in the wild and homestead ponds in Nigeria Igbani Flourizel, Hauwa O Sadiq and Tukura E Eyiseh Pages: 307-310 - Viewed: 1041 - Downloaded: 329 |
Assessment of proximate composition of oven dried Channa punctatus at three different temperatures Syeda Nusrat Jahan, Abdur Razzaq Joadder and Saiful Islam Pages: 311-314 - Viewed: 1272 - Downloaded: 527 |
Effects of heavy metal pollution on Nile tilapia in Manzala farm: Oxidative stress biomarkers and histopathological findings Mohamed I Nofal, Viola H Zaki, Nabil Abu-Heakal S Ahmed, Abed-Aziz AF and Maha M Rashad Pages: 315-328 - Viewed: 1274 - Downloaded: 561 |