International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 5, Part D
Effects of heavy metal pollution on Nile tilapia in Manzala farm: Oxidative stress biomarkers and histopathological findings
Author(s): Mohamed I Nofal, Viola H Zaki, Nabil Abu-Heakal S Ahmed, Abed-Aziz AF and Maha M Rashad
Abstract: Incidences of the outbreak have occurred among
Oreochromis niloticus in July 2018 in Manzala fish farm. About 150 naturally intoxicated fishes were sampled from 3 ponds 50 fish from each pond and 50 fishes from Abbasa fish farm as control. Fishes were transported to the laboratory for studying clinical signs, postmortem, histopathological examination and making some laboratory investigations (measuring of physicochemical parameters, detection of heavy metals accumulation in fish organs as the liver, kidneys, gills, muscles, and brain). The results revealed that the highest mean values of zinc were found in gills
> liver > kidney > muscles > brain respectively, but in case of copper the highest mean values were found in liver
> brain > kidneys > gill > muscle respectively. In case of iron the highest mean values of iron were found in liver
> kidneys > gill > muscle respectively. Also measure the antioxidant enzymes like SOD, CAT and GP
X and concentration of MDA in liver, gills, muscles, kidneys, brain, blood hemolysate and serum where estimated. The levels of SOD revealed that a significant (
p≤ 0.05) increase over controls was observed in the liver only, while CAT activity revealed that a significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) increase over controls was observed in liver, kidney, blood hemolysate, and serum. On the other hand, activity of GP
X significant differences (
p≤ 0.05) over controls was observed in liver, gills, muscles, kidneys, and brain.
Pages: 315-328 | 1272 Views 561 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mohamed I Nofal, Viola H Zaki, Nabil Abu-Heakal S Ahmed, Abed-Aziz AF, Maha M Rashad. Effects of heavy metal pollution on Nile tilapia in Manzala farm: Oxidative stress biomarkers and histopathological findings. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(5):315-328.