Title and Authors Name |
Isolation and identification of Myxobolus cerebralis from brain of Heteropneustes fossilis in the beels of South 24-Parganas, West Bengal, India Ananya Guchhait, Koel Bhattacharya Sanyal, Debapriyo Mukherjee, Prasenjit Mali, TJ Abraham and Gadadhar Dash Pages: 413-417 - Viewed: 1308 - Downloaded: 233 |
Induction of maturation and ovulation of Red Fin Shark fish Epalzeorhynchos frenatus in non-spawning season Muhammad Faiz Islami, Agus Oman Sudrajat and Odang Carman Pages: 418-424 - Viewed: 2024 - Downloaded: 750 |
Alternative artificial incubation system for intensive fry production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Narayan Prasad Pandit, Ranjan Wagle and Rahul Ranjan Pages: 425-429 - Viewed: 3135 - Downloaded: 706 |
Mineral availability from commercial mineral mixtures for supplementation in aquaculture pond waters of varying salinity V Chitra, M Muralidhar, R Saraswathy, J Syama Dayal, N Lalitha, D Thulasi and A Nagavel Pages: 430-434 - Viewed: 2078 - Downloaded: 894 |
Estimation of nutritional content and isolation of amine forming bacterias of commercially important dry fish Sardinella longiceps collected from local market in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Merline X and Dr. G Chitra Pages: 435-438 - Viewed: 1359 - Downloaded: 277 |
Tylodelphys sp. infection of some cyprinid fish species from Lake Dam Kunduzlar, Turkey Mehmet Oğuz Öztürk Pages: 439-442 - Viewed: 1331 - Downloaded: 201 |
A review on DNA viral diseases of fish P Sivasankar Pages: 443-450 - Viewed: 2270 - Downloaded: 913 |
Variations in age and size at sexual maturity of female green mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) under different captive growout conditions Md. Latiful Islam and Khairun Binte Yahya Pages: 451-457 - Viewed: 1658 - Downloaded: 517 |
Evaluation of nutritionally enhanced feed through microbial fermentation on growth and survival of fingerlings of Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Ambika Prasad Nayak, Shyama Kumari Misra, Saumyendra Nanda, Kedar Nath Mohanta, Damodar Satpathy, Rabi Narayan Mishra and Gunnur Muddalingaiah Siddaiah Pages: 458-462 - Viewed: 1720 - Downloaded: 514 |
Bioaccumulation of lead in gills and muscles of shellfish species from Pulicat lake, Tamil Nadu, India Dhinamala K, Shalini R, Deepa P, Pushpalatha M, Arivoli S, Samuel T and Raveen R Pages: 463-469 - Viewed: 1269 - Downloaded: 271 |