Title and Authors Name |
Livelihood status of fish retailers and marketing system of three fish markets in Dinajpur district, Bangladesh Akhi Sarker, MA Salam and KM Shakil Rana Pages: 647-651 - Viewed: 1478 - Downloaded: 279 |
Biological activities of some marine sponge extracts from Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt El-Damhougy KA, Hussein A El-Naggar, Hassan AH Ibrahim, Mansour AE Bashar and Fekry M Abou Senna Pages: 652-659 - Viewed: 1464 - Downloaded: 338 |
The frequency distribution of the length, gonad maturity stages, sex ratio, length at first mature and catch, width-weight relationship, and fisheries factors of blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) caught by crab nets landed at Tegalsari coastal fisheries port in Central Java Dadan Zulkifli, Mugi Mulyono, Firman Agus Heriansyah and Hendra Irawan Pages: 660-668 - Viewed: 1739 - Downloaded: 621 |
Effects of enriched Artemia with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chaetoceros gracilis on growth performance, stress resistance and fatty acid profile of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae Ali Ahmadi, Mansour Torfi Mozanzadeh, Naser Agh and Mahmoud Nafisi Bahabadi Pages: 669-673 - Viewed: 1653 - Downloaded: 328 |
Physico-chemical parameters of lentic water bodies from Mid- Himalayan region (H.P.), India Indu Sharma, Rani Dhanze and Priyanka Rana Pages: 674-678 - Viewed: 2072 - Downloaded: 577 |
Enabling environment for fish farming as an alternative livelihood in Makueni, Kenya Wesonga Paul Shikoli, Mukoya-Wangia Sabina, Maina Joyce G, Njoka Jesse T and Serykhan Nicholas Pages: 679-683 - Viewed: 1400 - Downloaded: 292 |
Role of feed additives in pigmentation of ornamental fishes Rajinder Kaur and Tarang Kumar Shah Pages: 684-686 - Viewed: 4119 - Downloaded: 2230 |
Gross morphometry of the heart of farmed African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Maiduguri, Nigeria M Zakariah, A Yahaya, PA Mshelia, Y Gazali and HD Kwari Pages: 687-690 - Viewed: 2079 - Downloaded: 866 |
Biometric relationships and condition factor of Tetralia glaberrima Herbst, 1790, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Egypt El-Sayed S Salem, Maged MA Fouda, Montaser AMM Al-Hammady and Khaled A El-Damhougy Pages: 691-698 - Viewed: 1353 - Downloaded: 174 |
Lepidocephalichthys Sp. (Pisces: Cobitidae) - A taxonomic appraisal, with special reference to Lepidocephalichthys annandalei from Doon Valley, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Deepali Rana and S K Gupta Pages: 699-711 - Viewed: 1390 - Downloaded: 311 |
Oxygen consumption and behaviour surveillance in the freshwater fish Rasbora daniconius exposed to dimethoate Lokhande MV Pages: 712-716 - Viewed: 1561 - Downloaded: 486 |