International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2024, Vol. 12, Issue 6, Part A
Socioeconomic condition of fishermen community residing on the bank of river Rupnarayan
Author(s): Sanjay Dey and Ashis Kumar Panigrahi
Abstract: The exploration was done for the socioeconomic (SE) condition of fisher’s community that was contingent on the river Rupnarayan from September 2019 to August 2021 through organized discussion and structured questionnaire method. The study designated an elevated number of fisherfolk families fishing intensity at Jagatpur sampling station. About 28 fisherfolk families had 1 to 2 gears at Chitnan sampling station. The study revealed that 29 fishermen’s monthly income was 7001-9000 INR and 8 fishermen’s monthly income was 11001-13000 INR at Jagatpur from fishing while 31 fishermen’s monthly income from fishing was 3001-5000 INR at Chitnan but at Kolaghat 29 fishermen’s monthly income from fishing was 5001-7000 INR. Fishermen’s family’s education was school level at all sampling stations. Majority of the fishermen were engaged in fishing during the night and they sold the fish directly. It is concluded that methodically and rationally appropriate training, education, of fishermen regarding fish conservation, fish handling could revamp their socioeconomic status.
Sanjay Dey, Ashis Kumar Panigrahi. Socioeconomic condition of fishermen community residing on the bank of river Rupnarayan. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2024;12(6):51-55. DOI: