International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2024, Vol. 12, Issue 4, Part B
The effect of different fresh feeds on the growth and molting period of mud crab (Scylla serrata) cultivated in a single room system
Author(s): Ahmad Nur Hadi, Restiana Wisnu, Diana Chilmamawati, Tristiana Yuniarti, Seto Windarto and Vivi Endar Herawati
Abstract: Not all of the crabs obtained from natural catches are of super quality, and most of the meat is not complete enough, which causes farmers to carry out fattening activities. The problem often faced by mud crab cultivators at the fattening stage is the need for alternative feed with high and good nutritional content to support crab growth and the continuity of the molting process. In contrast, mud crab cultivation still relies on trash fish as feed. However, the problems in providing trash fish are due to competition with human needs, the influence of seasons and short shelf life, and varying feed quality. This research aims to determine how providing different types of fresh food affects mud crabs' growth and molting period (Scylla serrata) kept in a single-room system. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments, namely feeding with goldfish snails (Pomacea canaliculate) (A), blood cockles (Anadara granosa) (B), and chicken inteysteesearch was conducted in Blendung Village, Ulujami District, Pemalang Regency, for 35 days with a feeding frequency of once a day at a dose of 5%/BW/day. The best research results were obtained in the chicken intestine feed treatment (C), namely (TFC 160.21±21.26; FCR 7.53±5.15; SGR 0.78±0.58; SR 60%; Absolute Weight 33.93±25.65; Absolute Length 0.97±0.79; Molting Percentage 60%). Water quality during the research was still within the optimum range for rearing mud crabs, namely pH 8.2-9.2; salinity 17.4-29.8 ppt; temperature 26.9-33.2 °C; DO 4.1-6.3 mg/l; ammonia 0.144-1.304 ppm.stines (C) using 10 replications. The test animals, mud crabs with an average weight of 99.53±7.64 g/head, were kept in a single-room system. The research was conducted in Blendung Village, Ulujami District, Pemalang Regency, for 35 days with a feeding frequency of once a day at a dose of 5%/BW/day. The best research results were obtained in the chicken intestine feed treatment (C), namely (TFC 160.21±21.26; FCR 7.53±5.15; SGR 0.78±0.58; SR 60%; Absolute Weight 33.93±25.65; Absolute Length 0.97±0.79; Molting Percentage 60%). Water quality during the research was still within the optimum range for rearing mud crabs, namely pH 8.2-9.2; salinity 17.4-29.8 ppt; temperature 26.9-33.2 °C; DO 4.1-6.3 mg/l; ammonia 0.144-1.304 ppm.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2024.v12.i4b.2959Pages: 161-166 | 437 Views 314 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Ahmad Nur Hadi, Restiana Wisnu, Diana Chilmamawati, Tristiana Yuniarti, Seto Windarto, Vivi Endar Herawati.
The effect of different fresh feeds on the growth and molting period of mud crab (Scylla serrata) cultivated in a single room system. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2024;12(4):161-166. DOI: