Title and Authors Name |
Management practices and risk factors associated with parasitic infestations in farmed Nile tilapia in Bomet and Kericho counties, Kenya Finnan O Ageng’o, Robert M Waruiru, Philip N Nyaga, Daniel W Wanja, Nicodemus M Kamuti, Edith A Keya, Jacob M Wainaina, Paul G Mbuthia, Mercy M Hamisi, Mohan V Chadag, Shimaa E Ali and Beatrice M Munde Pages: 60-68 - Viewed: 701 - Downloaded: 446 |
Impact of natural antioxidant in preserving the quality of mackerel fillets at frozen storage Ester John Kapesa, Siddappaji and Hamis Miraji Simba Pages: 69-75 - Viewed: 446 - Downloaded: 301 |
Study of some ecological parameters in nematode parasites of freshwater fish in the Senegal and Gambia rivers Cheikh Mouhamadou Bamba SECK, Ephigénie Ndew DIONE and Malick DIOUF Pages: 76-83 - Viewed: 356 - Downloaded: 197 |
Case study of the application of the blue economy in making coral reefs a business commodity on Pari Island, Indonesia Iwan Fadli Pasaribu, Nur Aniza Aprillia, Trifena Priskila Br Purba, Nanda Teguh Junianto, Nadya Andriani, Suryanusaciptaning Akbar, Wiranti and Nico Mulia Subekti Pages: 84-91 - Viewed: 656 - Downloaded: 340 |
From source to sustainability: The water quality dynamics of Chandil and Hatia Dams Shamina Banoo, Ganesh Chandra Baskey and Matiur Rahman Pages: 92-95 - Viewed: 117 - Downloaded: 57 |