International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2024, Vol. 12, Issue 2, Part A
Assessing Trophic Status of Lake Guidimouni (Niger) Using Secchi Depth (SD) and Fish Communities
Author(s): Assane Anabı Toudjani
Abstract: Determining the ecological conditions of lentic ecosystems using different parameters of the ecosystems is a relevant approache in water quality evaluating. The aim of this study was to examine the trophic state of lake Guidimouni according to Carlson system, OECD criteria and fish communities using data collected during 2 seasons. The Secchi depth values chanced from 0,95 m to 0,5 m respectively during the dry and wet season. Six (6) fish species belonging to 6 genera were identifed at lake Guidimouni. With regard to water quality, lake Guidimouni was eutrophic according to Carlson system during the 2 seasons, while it showed hypertrophic status according to OECD criteria. In accordance of fish communities, the lake Guidimouni showed a moderate ecological status. These results provide supplementary data about the lake’s water quality and could help decision makers on the preservation of this important aquatic ecosystem.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2024.v12.i2a.2910Pages: 40-44 | 173 Views 73 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Assane Anabı Toudjani.
Assessing Trophic Status of Lake Guidimouni (Niger) Using Secchi Depth (SD) and Fish Communities. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2024;12(2):40-44. DOI: