Title and Authors Name |
Evaluation of pathogenicity and growth rate among the genetic strains of rivers Benue and donga Clarias gariepinus fingerlings in response to a disease (Aeromonas hydrophila) Challenge Uruku Ndekimbe Mamndeyati and Amos Jummai Tidi Pages: 90-95 - Viewed: 503 - Downloaded: 265 |
Improvement reproductive performance of female Betta channoides in ex situ-rearing with maturation hormonal therapy Asep Permana, Agus Priyadi, Bastiar Nur, Sawung Cindelaras, Siti Murniasih, Rendy Ginanjar, Sulasy Rohmy, Ahmad Musa and Darmawan Setia Budi Pages: 100-102 - Viewed: 634 - Downloaded: 266 |
Study of Malwa mill fish market at Indore (M.P.) Rohit Verma and MM Prakash Pages: 103-108 - Viewed: 1286 - Downloaded: 1019 |
Study of physico-chemical parameters from within PFZ and outside PFZ from the coast of Raigad district at Maharashtra State, India Rajendra S Bhalerao Pages: 109-112 - Viewed: 587 - Downloaded: 383 |
Diversity and taxonomic structure of aquatic macroinvertebrates in a fluvio-lacustrine system in south-west Côte d’Ivoire: The case of the Soubré hydroelectric dam lake Gougloin Touamin Hugues Esmel, Dietoa Yehe Mathieu and Tah Leonard Pages: 113-122 - Viewed: 655 - Downloaded: 389 |
Assessment of fishing gear types and their influence on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) in the upper Benue river Basin, Nigeria Bonjoru R, Henry GB, Kyani ZA, Kazy L and Bagauda DA Pages: 123-128 - Viewed: 817 - Downloaded: 561 |
Induced breeding of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by using synthetic hormones Dhanush Gorre and Dr. T Jagadeeshwara Chari Pages: 129-133 - Viewed: 2090 - Downloaded: 1483 |
Copper toxicity in aquatic ecosystem: A Review Smriti, Aman Ahmed, Samiksha Lodhi and Sanjive Shukla Pages: 134-138 - Viewed: 2141 - Downloaded: 1727 |
The use of sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur, 1821) Meal and Spinach, Amaranthus tricolor (Linnaeus, 1759) meal in diet for mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1775) Hasnidar, Rosmiati Syaharuddin, Andi Tamsil, Syahrul Pages: 139-144 - Viewed: 462 - Downloaded: 186 |