International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2023, Vol. 11, Issue 3, Part A
Fishing gears and crafts used in Chalan beel, Bangladesh
Author(s): SN Jahan and M Perween
Abstract: The present study was an effort to provide an overview of present status of fishing practices, gears and crafts used in fishing, common species caught by gear of the 5 upzillas of four districts of Chalan beel. The study describes the available fishing gears and crafts used in Chalan beel, Bangladesh. The study was carried out in 7 spots under 5 upazilas of 4 districts such as Atrai upazila (Nawgaon), Singra upazila, Gurudaspur upazila (Natore), Chatmohor upazila (Pabna) and Tarash upazila (Sirajganj), respectively. Eye observation and interview method were applied for the data collection. During the study period, 20 different types of fishing gears were observed. Fishing gears including 9 types of net (Ber jal, Khepla jal, Puti jal, Thela jal, Current jal, Moi jal, Veshal jal, Suti jal and Dharma jal); 4 types of trap (Kholson, Doair, Polo and Vair); 3 types of wounding gears (Koach, Ek kata and Angta) and 4 types of hooks and lines (Chip borsi, Nolborsi, Daun borsi and Jiala) were found. Another 2 types of fishing method were also recorded. Among the available nets in the study area it was recorded that maximum length was 363.33±109.70 fit (Ber jal) and minimum length was 15±5 fit (Dharma Jal). It was also recorded that the maximum and minimum breath were 106.67±15.27 fit (Suti jal) and 2.5±0.5 fit (Puti jal), respectively. Mesh size of net varied from 3±0.5cm (Suti jal) to 0.83±0.52cm (Thela jal). Among the traps maximum length was 2.5±0.5 fit (Kholsun) and minimum length was 1.83±0.28 fit (Vair). Small Indigenous Species (SIS) was mostly caught by the trap with few exception and carnivorous fishes are mainly caught by the fishing hooks and lines. When water level becomes low, wounding gears were used for fishing large size fishes during heavy flood. In Chalan beel 5 crafts (Kosa nauka, Bhot nauka, Jaila nauka, Konai dingi and Vela) were observed. Cost benefit ratio of studied fishing crafts was also calculated. The highest Cost Benefit Ratio (CBR) is 1:0.92 (for Vela). Several problems were found which are responsible for the loss of fish diversity of Chalan beel. Among them, over fishing and use of illegal (Current jal), destruction fishing gears, fishing by blocking (Bana) the migration paths of fishes, excess katha fishing and fishermen caught brood and fry fishes indiscriminately.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2023.v11.i3a.2808Pages: 44-49 | 960 Views 656 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here