International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2023, Vol. 11, Issue 3, Part A
Economic analysis of catfish production in Anambra west metropolis local government area Anambra state, Nigeria
Author(s): Enwelu Innocent Achonam, Onuorah Chukwuebuka Emmanuel and Iyere-Freedom Chioma Jennifer
Abstract: The study assessed the economic analysis of catfish production in Anambra West Metropolis, Anambra state, Nigeria. The sample size for the study comprises one hundred and twenty catfish farmers in Anambra West metropolis who were purposively selected. Data were collected using structured interview schedule by the researcher and other research assistants. Simple descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, mean scores and standard deviation Net Farm Income were used for data analysis and result presentation. Findings of the study revealed that catfish production is highly profitable in the study area with estimated total cost of ₦14,246,163 and the Net Farm Income of ₦20,000,000 and ROI of ₦2.47. Catfish famers in faced some major constraints such as high cost of feed and others. Therefore, to eliminate or minimize the constraints identified, the study suggests government involvement to control and lower the import taxes levied upon dealers who import foreign feeds and others.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2023.v11.i3a.2799Pages: 01-06 | 1296 Views 929 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Enwelu Innocent Achonam, Onuorah Chukwuebuka Emmanuel, Iyere-Freedom Chioma Jennifer.
Economic analysis of catfish production in Anambra west metropolis local government area Anambra state, Nigeria. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2023;11(3):01-06. DOI: