International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2023, Vol. 11, Issue 2, Part A
Socio-economic aspects of carp polyculture in ponds: A survey research in the fish super zone area of the bara district
Author(s): Mohammad Saddam Hussain, Md. Akbal Husen and Dinesh Yadav
Abstract: A survey was conducted in the fish super zone area of Bara district with the view to assessing socio-economic aspects of carp polyculture in the pond from May to June 2017. 60 respondents overall, 30 from each research area, were randomly selected from the Simraungadh and Pachrauta Benauli municipalities. A standardized questionnaire that had been tested in advance was used to collect data through interviews. The DADO, fish super zone and other relevant agencies provided the secondary data required for the study. To reach the study's goals, descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. According to the number of ponds they owned, farmers were divided into three groups: small, medium, and large. 38 % of responders belonged to large scale (pond area greater than 2 hectares). 38% of respondents engaged in fish farming had primary education and 8% obtained graduation. Most of the respondents (47%) had ponds on lease. 75% of the respondents belonged to all categories having fish farming experience for 1-9 years which indicates the popularity of fish farming is increasing in recent years. Despite quality seed supply from government hatcheries (23%), private hatcheries (42%) dominated the seed fulfilment of the super zone. Most of the farmers practiced chhadi fish production (< 20 g) of mrigal species besides bigger fish (>1kg) of other carp. A total of NRs. 1296710 in variable and fixed costs were involved in the production cost per hectare of the pond area. Average net profit and gross return per hectare were found to be NRs. 401600 and 1698000, respectively. The study revealed that the B/C ratio was 1.73. Low farm gate pricing as a result of middlemen's influence was the main issue seen.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2023.v11.i2a.2785Pages: 23-28 | 676 Views 391 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mohammad Saddam Hussain, Md. Akbal Husen, Dinesh Yadav.
Socio-economic aspects of carp polyculture in ponds: A survey research in the fish super zone area of the bara district. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2023;11(2):23-28. DOI: