International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2023, Vol. 11, Issue 1, Part B
Eco-toxicological assessment of heavy metals in the freshwater apple snail (Pila ovata) from selected markets in Benin metropolis, Nigeria
Author(s): Wangboje Oiseoje Michael and Momoh Joy Mariam
Abstract: Heavy metals have been widely researched around the world as a result of their deleterious and toxic effects on biotic ecosystems. On this premise, the dearth of ecotoxicological data regarding the heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu) content in the African freshwater apple snail (
Pila ovata) sourced directly from open markets in Benin City, Nigeria warranted this research. Heavy metals in snail specimens of mean weight 76.11±1.07 g were quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry technique in order to ascertain their suitability for human consumption and to provide baseline data. The summary statistics for the mean concentrations of heavy metals in
P. ovata ranged from below detection limit (BDL) for Cd to 0.4192 mg/kg for Zn while market-wise, the mean concentrations of heavy metals ranged from BDL for Cd to 0.4492 mg/kg for Zn at Ekiuwa market. Monthly-wise, the mean concentrations of heavy metals ranged from BDL for Cd to 0.4558 mg/kg for Zn in May. The estimated daily intake (EDI) values (mg/kg/day) for heavy metals in
P. ovata ranged from zero for Cd to 0.00022 for Zn while the toxic hazard quotient (THQ) for heavy metals in
P. ovata ranged from zero (Cd) to 0.000002 (Pb). The total heavy metal burden (mg/kg) in
P. ovata by market ranged from 0.71 at Ekiosa market to 1.09 at Ekiuwa market. Essentially, data from the study revealed that the experimental mollusc should be consumed with caution as a result of potential Pb poisoning over time.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2023.v11.i1b.2777Pages: 141-146 | 582 Views 307 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Wangboje Oiseoje Michael, Momoh Joy Mariam.
Eco-toxicological assessment of heavy metals in the freshwater apple snail (Pila ovata) from selected markets in Benin metropolis, Nigeria. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2023;11(1):141-146. DOI: