Title and Authors Name |
Comparative study on the survival and growth performance of white shrimp Penaeus vannamei in ponds cultured with hatchery and nursery reared post larvae Rameshu Katturi, Lalitha Vinnakota and V Venkata Rathnamma Pages: 01-06 - Viewed: 616 - Downloaded: 318 |
Analysis of catch results per effort of catching red snapper (Lutjanus sp) in the waters of Lewalu village, Northwest Alor, Alor Regency Efrin A Dollu, Jahved F Maro and Rosalina Y Kurang Pages: 07-11 - Viewed: 491 - Downloaded: 226 |
Overview of Mogadishu fish market Abdiaziz Hussein Hassan and Md. Istiaque Hossain Pages: 12-16 - Viewed: 4202 - Downloaded: 873 |
Evaluation of gardi bangana dero and sahar tor putitora with rohu labeo rohita and Naini cirrhinus mrigala in poly culture at different stocking combinations Prem Timalsina, Madhav Shrestha and Jaydev Bista Pages: 17-25 - Viewed: 596 - Downloaded: 250 |
A mini-review: Potential of Phyllanthus niruri L as immunostimulators in fish aquaculture Rosidah Pages: 26-30 - Viewed: 862 - Downloaded: 537 |
Bivalve Spat (Anadara granosa) recruitment in rehabilitation mangrove ecosystem of Rangsang Island, Riau province Rizki Oktavian, Dietriech G Bengen, Nyoman MN Natih Pages: 31-35 - Viewed: 719 - Downloaded: 280 |
Growth performance, nutrient utilization and survival rate of Clarias gariepinus fed varied inclusion of processed Moringa oleifera diets Suleiman AM, Orire AM, Sadiku SOE and Bake GG Pages: 36-40 - Viewed: 917 - Downloaded: 495 |
Fisheries at the heart of a development issue in Mauritania: Small coastal pelagics between market logic and nutritional rationality Waly Bocoum, Mahfoud Talb Sidi, Moustapha Bouzouma, Abdou Daim Dia and Pierre Failler Pages: 41-48 - Viewed: 1522 - Downloaded: 1031 |
The Tuna Handline fishing fleet of Infanta, Pangasinan, Philippines: An assessment Dante M Mendoza, Michelle Grace B Aquino, Karen Boots B Briñas and Gerondina C Mendoza Pages: 49-56 - Viewed: 1331 - Downloaded: 910 |
Evaluating the sustainability of fishery resources and fishing gears: Case study of Ngoyè and Elabè, Kribi, South Cameroon Nsame-Bile Ophman, Kottè-Mapoko Ernest Flavien, Ebonji Seth Rodrigue, Semengue Pierre Paul, Amungwa Ivan Tabikam and Priso Richard Jules Pages: 57-64 - Viewed: 839 - Downloaded: 406 |