International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2021, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Part A
Reef fish community structure and its association with Lifeform coral in the core zone of the Anambas islands Marine Tourism Park (MTP)
Author(s): Mohd. Adip Setiawan, Neviaty P Zamani, Dietriech G Bengen and Syofyan Roni
Abstract: Reef fish are one of the biotas that live in coral reef ecosystems, and their lives depend on the condition of coral reefs. Reef fish communities have a close relationship with coral reefs as their habitat. Collecting data on reef fish and coral growth forms using the underwater visual census (UVS) method and methods point intercept transect (PIT). The results of the identification of coral growth forms found 10 growth forms. The most abundant group of fish in the core zone waters of the Anambas Islands was the omnivorous group of fish found as many as 14,924 ind/250m
2. The uniformity index value is obtained by the criteria for a stable uniformity index. The cluster analysis results showed that the similarity index of 43% was found in three groups of entities. The correspondence analysis results found three groupings of reef fish based on their association with coral growth forms.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2021.v9.i6a.2587Pages: 59-66 | 839 Views 325 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mohd. Adip Setiawan, Neviaty P Zamani, Dietriech G Bengen, Syofyan Roni.
Reef fish community structure and its association with Lifeform coral in the core zone of the Anambas islands Marine Tourism Park (MTP). Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2021;9(6):59-66. DOI: