International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2021, Vol. 9, Issue 4, Part A
A mini-review: Effect of probiotics on the growth and health of fish
Author(s): Rosidah
Abstract: The aquaculture sector industry is growing in order to meet the needs of animal protein at a price that is relatively affordable by various groups of people compared to other animal proteins. The development of the fisheries is influenced by the availability of quality fish free from disease attacks and good growth. Probiotics are good microbes that can suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes and can help accelerate fish growth. Various types of probiotics have been shown to increase the growth of various types of fish. In addition, various types of probiotics can also help prevent attacks of various types of pathogenic bacteria in fish. This article aims to explain various probiotics and the effect of probiotics on the growth and health of fish. Based on the above studies, various probiotics has the potential to be used as an alternative supplement for the Growth and Health of various types of fish.