International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2021, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Part D
A case study on infection of trematodes pathogenicity in wild Channa striata collected from various freshwater ponds in Guntur district rural, semirural and urban areas
Author(s): Aruna Mallavali
Abstract: The Murrels (Channa striatus) is an indigenous, predatory freshwater fish. It is also known as lay man fish food with pharmacological benefits in treating wound and pain and in boosting energy of the sick. Amino acids include glycine, lysine and arginine and fatty acids are namely arachidonic acid, palmitic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are used for the preparation of several types of bioactive molecules commercially. Antinociceptive activity or toxic inhibitor, anti-depressant and neuroregenerative agent and it has wide-ranging medical uses. Henceforth the present study aimed to conduct the general survey by collecting various fresh water wild Channa striatus in Guntur district to investigate to identification of pathogenicity of trematodes and its affect on Channa striatus morphological, physiological and anatomical changes leads to the loss of nutritional, medicinal properties. Furthermore creating awareness to the target area where collected the samples about the pathogenicity impact on human health and their influences. Our results demonstrate that intestinal flukes are common in farmed fish in this area, suggesting that reservoir hosts such as dogs, cats, and pigs are more important in sustaining the life cycles of these fluke in fish farms than human hosts. This has implications for the effectiveness of control programs focused mainly on treatment of humans.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2021.v9.i2d.2458Pages: 245-249 | 937 Views 305 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Aruna Mallavali.
A case study on infection of trematodes pathogenicity in wild Channa striata collected from various freshwater ponds in Guntur district rural, semirural and urban areas. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2021;9(2):245-249. DOI: