International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2021, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Part C
Conversion of mini trawls (Thallumadi) into light fishing craft targeting belonids and hemiramphids along palk bay, southeast coast of India
Author(s): M Rajkumar, S Thirumalaiselvan, R Vinothkumar and S Joseph Jegan
Abstract: The needlefish both full beak and halfbeaks support a good fishery in Tamil Nadu and exploited by drift gillnet (Mural valai). In this study, we were focused to document the conversion of Mini trawls (Thallumadi) into light fishing craft targeting Belonids and Hemiramphids along Palk Bay. The detailed survey was conducted in the six landing centres along Palk Bay. The fishing was mainly targeted to catch
Tylosurus crocodilus from 2000 to 0300 hrs at the distance of 3-4 NM in the depth of 5 m. After reaching the fishing ground, the fishes are usually aggregated using LED lights. The fishermen use the scoop net to collect the fishes. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) ranged from 36 to 40 kg/Unit and the fishery was dominated by
T. crocodilus (85%) followed by
Hemiramphus far (9%)
and Ablennes hians (6%). The net operating income for this fishery is higher than the mini trawl fishery.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2021.v9.i2c.2440Pages: 163-167 | 970 Views 276 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
M Rajkumar, S Thirumalaiselvan, R Vinothkumar, S Joseph Jegan.
Conversion of mini trawls (Thallumadi) into light fishing craft targeting belonids and hemiramphids along palk bay, southeast coast of India. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2021;9(2):163-167. DOI: