International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2021, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Part B
The status of coral reefs and reef fishes of Biloro Village, Southern Buru Regency, Indonesia
Author(s): Semuel F Tuhumury, J Abrahamsz, D Sahetapy, JMS Tetelepta, D Selanno and J Haulussy
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze coral reef condition and reef fish at Biloro Village, South Buru District. Line transect intercept was used to analyze the life form of coral reef. Reef fish observation was carried out underwater visual fish cencus. Coral reef condition was assessed the ecological indexes vis. diversity, dominance, and evenness. Marine quality parameter measured namely dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, salinity, and transparency. The result shows the total number of life coral species richness was 160, with 46 genera, from 16 families. The average coral reef condition was considered good with the percentage of hard coral coverage of 51.78%. The coral reef diversity index range from 2.89-3.03, the evenness index range between 0.88-0.94, and dominance index lies between 0.06-0.8. The total number of reef fish species was 95 with 50 genera, and 19 families with total number of individual amounted to 7,143. There are 11 species of indicator fish, 56 species of major fish, and 28 species of target fish.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2021.v9.i1b.2390Pages: 101-106 | 1036 Views 310 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Semuel F Tuhumury, J Abrahamsz, D Sahetapy, JMS Tetelepta, D Selanno, J Haulussy.
The status of coral reefs and reef fishes of Biloro Village, Southern Buru Regency, Indonesia. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2021;9(1):101-106. DOI: