International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 5, Part B
A study to understand the reasons for the low productivity of shrimp farms in Kerala
Author(s): Sahadevan P and Sureshkumar S
Abstract: Kerala is an important state contributing to farmed shrimp production in India. However, the productivity of shrimp farms in the state is the lowest among all Indian states. The present study was undertaken to understand the reasons for the low productivity of shrimp farms in the state of Kerala. For the collection of data, a survey was conducted among 220 shrimp farms with a total water spread area of 1,113.77 ha (traditional farms: 162 farms with 845.32 ha. area and scientific farms: 58 farms with 268.45 ha. area). Data were collected for two consecutive crops during the period from November 2016 to May, 2018. Analysis of information collected in the present study revealed that over-reliance on traditional mode of farming, lack of species diversity, improper site selection, insufficient attention paid on construction of ponds, inadequate pond preparation, poor pond management, use of poor quality of seed, non-acclimatisation of seed, use of sub optimal stocking density, poor dissolved oxygen management, insufficient water exchange, inadequate feeding, inadequate management of plankton growth, recurrence of diseases, poaching, shortage of labourers, discontinuance of paddy farming, failure in year- round utilisation of ponds etc. were found to be the principal reasons for the reported low productivity of shrimp farms in Kerala.
DOI: 10.22271/fish.2020.v8.i5b.2310Pages: 96-106 | 1305 Views 500 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sahadevan P, Sureshkumar S.
A study to understand the reasons for the low productivity of shrimp farms in Kerala. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(5):96-106. DOI: