International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 4, Part B
Hydro-morphological appraisal of river sub basin using remote sensing and GIS tools
Author(s): Sandip Markad, Adinath T Markad and Dhanaji Patil
Abstract: The present research work was carried out for hydro-morphological study of Subbasin of Kayadhu River in Hingoli District belonging to state of Maharashtra. The river basin under study is spread over 19°46’14.3” N to 19°53’36.9” N Latitudes and 76°58’57.4” E to 77°03’26.4” E Longitudes. Topographic maps (1:50000 scale) published by Survey of India (SOI) were used as base map for delineation of river streams and basin in the through GIS software. The ordering of the streams of the study basin was carried out by Strahler method. SRTM DEM data was used for estimation of elevation of river basin along with different relief parameters. Different morphometric parameters of the river basin were estimated using standard methods. The study revealed that the basin was spread over area of 64.92 sq. km with 38.52 km perimeter and 14.25 km of basin length. The basin was 4th order basin having 150 number of streams with dendritic to parallel pattern. The length of the streams in the basin increased with increasing order of the streams suggesting change in substrate type and steams flowing from high elevation. The estimates of stream length ratio infers that the basing has not achieved matured stage in the geographic development process. The bifurcation ratio varied between 3.58 and 7.00 suggesting dissected basin. The river basin under study has 1.9 km/sq. km drainage density with 2.86 texture ratio, 2.31 no./ sq. km stream frequency, and 0.26 Length of overland flow implying low surface runoff, permeable surface with higher infiltration & ground water prospectus, better vegetation cover, structural disturbance and steep slope. The values of elongation ratio, form factor and circulatory ratio estimated during present study imply that the basin is elongated with higher relief, low risk of erosion and low pick flows for longer duration whereas the estimated value of 0.53 for constant channel maintenance indicates that basin has higher infiltration and moderate runoff.
Pages: 148-152 | 910 Views 369 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sandip Markad, Adinath T Markad, Dhanaji Patil. Hydro-morphological appraisal of river sub basin using remote sensing and GIS tools. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(4):148-152.