International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part G
Studies on plankton diversity and water quality of a tropical rainforest River, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Author(s): Jonah UE, Avoaja DA, Hanson HE and Nnana GP
Abstract: All physico-chemical parameters were analyzed in accordance with standard methods. The means values were in the following ranges: Water temperature (26.30-26.90
0c), DO (2.33-5.18mg/l), pH (6.21-6.91mg/l), TDS (12.34 – 18.33 mg/l), Turbidity (8.32-17.15 NTU), EC (57.03 - 62.61µS/cm), PO
43- (5.30-18.80 mg/l), NO
3- (8.90 – 24.33mg/l), BOD (1.10-3.80mg/l) and TSS (46.60 – 69.34mg/l). A total of 30 taxa, 858 individual species from eight taxonomic groups of plankton species were identified. Rotifera was the dominant group (24.3%). Station 1 had a total of 325 individual species, Station 2 (235), and Station 3 (298) respectively. The low species of plankton and diversity indices noticed in station 2 and 3 reflect poor water quality due to cumulative impacts of anthropogenic activities, which had an influenced on the plankton diversity.
Pages: 532-536 | 744 Views 247 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Jonah UE, Avoaja DA, Hanson HE, Nnana GP. Studies on plankton diversity and water quality of a tropical rainforest River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(3):532-536.