International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part E
Acute and sublethal toxicity of an azole fungicide tebuconazole on ionic regulation and Na+/K+-ATPase activity in a freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala
Author(s): Shunmugam Subbiah, Mathan Ramesh, Anila P Ashokan and Arul Narayanasamy
Abstract: Tebuconazole (TCZ), an azole fungicide has been commonly used in a variety of industry and agriculture products. TCZ is persistent in the environment and thereby posing a risk to aquatic organisms. The present study is aimed to investigate the acute and sublethal toxicity of TCZ on ionic regulation and Na
+-ATPase activity in a freshwater fish
Cirrhinus mrigala. The median lethal concentration of TCZ for 24 and 96 h (with 95% confidence limits) were found to be 9.6 and 7.2 mg L
-1, respectively. For sublethal toxicity study, 1/10th of 24 h LC
50 value (0.96 mg L
-1) and 1/5th of 96 h LC
50 value (1.44 mg L
-1) were taken. In acute treatment, plasma sodium and potassium levels were found to be decreased significantly (
p<0.01) in TCZ treated fish whereas a significant increase in plasma chloride level and gill Na
+-ATPase activity was observed. In sublethal treatment, plasma sodium level was found to be increased up to 7
th day in both the concentrations. After 7
th day, plasma sodium level exhibited a significant decrease when compared to control group. Plasma potassium level was found to be decreased in both the concentrations throughout the exposure period when compared to control group (p < 0.05). Significant increase in plasma chloride level was observed in fish exposed at 0.96 mg L
-1 for a period of 35 days. However, at 1.44 mg L
-1 concentration, a fluctuation of plasma chloride level was observed. Gill Na
+-ATPase activities were found to be increased throughout the study period in both the concentrations. The findings of the present study indicate that TCZ can change the Na
+-ATPase activity which in turn alter the plasma electrolyte levels. The alterations of these parameters can be used for monitoring of azole fungicides in the aquatic environment.
Pages: 361-371 | 1442 Views 684 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Shunmugam Subbiah, Mathan Ramesh, Anila P Ashokan, Arul Narayanasamy. Acute and sublethal toxicity of an azole fungicide tebuconazole on ionic regulation and Na+/K+-ATPase activity in a freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(3):361-371.