International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part D
Prevalence and associated risk factors of ectoparasite infections of cultured fish species in the West region of Cameroon
Author(s): Derrick Fabrice Ngueguim, Marc Kenmogne Kouam, Claudine Tekounegning Tiogue, Emile Miegoue, Axel Kouatchou Feumba, Lynda Blaise Fouepe Zebaze and Julius Awah-Ndukum
Abstract: There is expansion of the fishery sector in Cameroon but there is dearth of information on the distribution, magnitude and risks of freshwater fish diseases in the country. This study wascarried out to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of ectoparasites on cultured fishes in West Cameroon.The external surfaces of 2254 randomly selected fishes (692
Clarias gariepinus, 969
Oreochromis nilotichus, 593
Cyprinus carpio) were examined using standard parasitological procedures. The results showed that 34.9% of sampled fishes were infected with ectoparasites including Crustaceans (12.0%)
, Monogeneans (15.8%) and Protozoans (15.8%). The prevalence was higher (p<0.05) in
Cyprinus carpio compared to
Clarias gariepinus and
Oreochromis niloticusspecies. Female and large fishes were most infected (p<0.05) compared to male and small fishes. The study revealed mixed and high prevalence of ectoparasite infections of cultured fish species in West region of Cameroon and fish species, sex and size were the major risk factors.
Pages: 310-320 | 1212 Views 583 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Derrick Fabrice Ngueguim, Marc Kenmogne Kouam, Claudine Tekounegning Tiogue, Emile Miegoue, Axel Kouatchou Feumba, Lynda Blaise Fouepe Zebaze, Julius Awah-Ndukum. Prevalence and associated risk factors of ectoparasite infections of cultured fish species in the West region of Cameroon. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(3):310-320.