International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part C
Traditional fish drying method practiced by the farmers of Chalan beel (Singra upazila) and their socio-economic status
Author(s): Md. Nahiduzzaman, Fawzia Adib Flowra, Md. Nazmul Hossen, Md. Rabiul Awal, Md. Ashikur Rahman and Shirin Akter
Abstract: The study was carried out at different fish drying points of (
Chalan beel) Singra upazila under Natore districts. It is observed that the traditional sun drying was followed and only one fish drying point was continued throughout the year and rest of among 7 fish drying points were seasonal. In the drying process, 21 fish species under 13 families were used for drying. Most of the fish were collected from the local fish-landing centre and transportation of raw fish from fish landing centre to fish drying point was mainly done by non-mechanized van, rickshaw, bicycle or by head load or shoulder load of the labours. Price of raw fishes varied according to their species, size, supply of fishes etc. Winter was the best season for fish drying. The hygienic condition of the commercial fish drying spots was very poor. The annual production ranged from 600 to 2300 mounds of dry fish each year. The highest length conversion ratio between raw and dry fish was 1: 0.86 for Chapila and the lowest was 1:0.50 for Chingri whereas the highest and lowest weight conversion ratio were 1:0.40 and 1: 0.16 for Silver Carp and Baspata respectively. The investigation found that the cost-benefit ratio of fish drying points of the study area varied between 0.42 and 0.56. For evaluating the socio-economic status of the farmers associated with fish drying activities the following criteria were taken into consideration: Annual Income, Occupational Status, Education level, Family Type and Size, Housing Condition, Use of Electricity, Land Holding Status, Sanitation and Drinking water and finally Health and Disease. Dry fish farmers were found to face various problems such as social, economic and technical problems, which were identified during the study. To overcome exiting problems, necessary suggestions have also made in this study.
Pages: 184-190 | 2122 Views 1441 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Md. Nahiduzzaman, Fawzia Adib Flowra, Md. Nazmul Hossen, Md. Rabiul Awal, Md. Ashikur Rahman, Shirin Akter. Traditional fish drying method practiced by the farmers of Chalan beel (Singra upazila) and their socio-economic status. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(3):184-190.