International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2020, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part B
Factor confronting the resilience of cirata reservoir social ecological systems (Case study cirata reservoir district Cianjur, West Java Indonesia)
Author(s): Atikah Nurhayati, Titin Herawati, Isni Nurruhwati and Isah Aisah
Abstract: Water resources of Cirata Reservoir have a very important ecological, economic and social functions. A number of economic and industrial activities develop with supports of these resources, among them are capture fisheries, floating net cage system and tourism. This situation challenges the social ecological system’s resilience, the capacity of an ecosystem to survive an interruption and then restore its essential basic functions. The development of derivative functions in capture fisheries and floating net cage aquaculture at this time has reached a stage of overcapacity and caused degradation in ecological, economic and social functions of the resources. This research was conducted to formulate a strategy to strengthen the resilience of Cirata Reservoir social ecological system by means of socio-economic approach. The data used collected the survey method which 40 respondents representing main actors of fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic tourism. Through resilience analysis, a general analysis was conducted to further develop a dynamic model directed toward a small-scale fisheries management policy scenario to strengthen its resilience with SWOT analysis.. Based on the analysis, it was found that SWOT analysis posision in qudrant 1 the value is 1.05; 0.215 included the Strength-Opportunity Strategy (SO) and the resilience of Cirata reservoir social ecological system(SES) was highly confronted by several attributes, namely weather conditions, availability of fish resources as related to high intensity of utilization, production input prices, transaction costs and social capital assets.
Pages: 122-128 | 994 Views 303 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Atikah Nurhayati, Titin Herawati, Isni Nurruhwati, Isah Aisah. Factor confronting the resilience of cirata reservoir social ecological systems (Case study cirata reservoir district Cianjur, West Java Indonesia). Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2020;8(1):122-128.