International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 5, Part A
The effects of Physico-chemical parameters on plankton distribution in poultry manure and artificial formulated feed treated fish ponds, Noakhali, Bangladesh
Author(s): Najmus Sakib Khan and Jaber Bin Abdul Bari
Abstract: The present study was carried out in two differently treated fish ponds. One of the sampling ponds was treated with poultry manure (Pond A) and another with artificial formulated fish feed (Pond B). Water samples were collected weekly (five weeks) from 19 April 2019 to 17 May 2019 for water physico-chemical parameters and plankton analysis. Water physico-chemical parameters specifically temperature, P
H, transparency, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, total alkalinity, free CO
2 were determined during study period in two fish ponds. The density and diversity of plankton in fish ponds were also evaluated in this conducted study. A total four classes of phytoplankton namely Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta and Euglena were identified. Moreover, total four classes of zooplankton as Crustacea, Cladocera, Copepode and Rotifera were also recognized. Additionally, Chlorophyta and Rotifera found dominant through the all sampling periods in two sampling ponds. The lowest total phytoplankton (Pond A: 8.49×10
2 ind/l, Pond B: 1.5×10
3 ind/l) and highest total zooplankton (Pond A: 5.65×10
3 ind/l, Pond B: 8.77×10
3 ind/l) among all sampling periods were recorded when cyclone Fani stroke over Bangladesh. The effects of physico-chemical parameters on phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance in two different feed treated ponds were also reveled in this study. The total phytoplankton showed positive relation (
p< 0.05) with dissolved oxygen and negative relation (
0.01) with transparency. Furthermore, total zooplankton showed positive relation (
0.05) with water temperature.
Pages: 01-07 | 1841 Views 878 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Najmus Sakib Khan, Jaber Bin Abdul Bari. The effects of Physico-chemical parameters on plankton distribution in poultry manure and artificial formulated feed treated fish ponds, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(5):01-07.