International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Part E
A preliminary study of the effect of alkalinity level on the survival rate and growth of the Panulirus homarus lobster
Author(s): Mufit Budi Aji, Eddy Supriyono and Dinar Tri Soelistyowati
Abstract: The present study was aimed to discover the effects of alkalinity on the cultivation of the scalloped spiny lobsters
Panulirus homarus which were kept for 30 days. The lobsters used in the present study had an average initial weight of 51.22±1.87 g. The complete randomized design consisted of a treatment without the addition of CaCO
3 or the control alkalinity, 160,and 240 mg L
-1as CaCO
3. The lobsters were kept in fiberglass tanks sized 1.2 x 0.95 x 1 m
3 filled with 800 L of seawater with a stocking density of 15 lobsters. The results of this study demonstrated that the increased alkalinity was proportionate to the pH. During the course of the study, the NH
3 content was 0.02-0.05 mg L
-1, NO
2- 0.26-1.39 mg L
-1, NO
3- 0.14-2.47 mg L
-1, temperature 26.9-27.4
ËšC, dissolved oxygen 5.44-6.23 mg L
-1, and salinity 27.5-31.5 g L
-1. The lobsters’ physiological response during the maintenance period did not exhibit any signs of stress; however, the hemolymph glucose level in the 240 mg L
-1as CaCO
3 alkalinity treatment demonstrated an increase at the end of the maintenance period. The survival rate in the treatment with 160 mg L
-1as CaCO
3 was 96.67±6.67 with a final weight of 62.12±1.66, better than the other treatments but not significantly different.
Pages: 339-342 | 1142 Views 400 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mufit Budi Aji, Eddy Supriyono, Dinar Tri Soelistyowati. A preliminary study of the effect of alkalinity level on the survival rate and growth of the Panulirus homarus lobster. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(4):339-342.