International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part C
Characterization and constraints of artisanal fishery in the upper benue river basin, Nigeria
Author(s): Bonjoru R, Ndeham VR, Bonjoru FH and Amadu SO
Abstract: The study assessed the socioeconomic variables and constraints of artisanal fishery of the Upper Benue River Basin, Nigeria between January and April 2019. The study aimed at updating knowledge on the socio-economic status and constraints of the fisher-folks in the study area. Frame and catch assessment survey was used to collect data. The data was subjected to Descriptive statistical analysis. The results revealed that fishing in the study area is male dominated (89%) and 36% of the fisher-folk are aged 31 – 40 years; 32% had primary education while 38% of the fisher-folks make a profit of N31,000 and above per month from fishing activities. Difficulty in accessing credit; transporting fresh catch and lack of storage facilities are the major constraints of the artisanal fishery in the study area. Therefore the study recommends that fisheries extension services is needed to encourage improved fishing practices with reduced losses.
Pages: 219-223 | 1195 Views 390 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Bonjoru R, Ndeham VR, Bonjoru FH, Amadu SO. Characterization and constraints of artisanal fishery in the upper benue river basin, Nigeria. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(3):219-223.