International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part B
Socio-economic status of fishermen at Habiganj Sadar Upazila in Bangladesh
Author(s): Sakib Tahmid Rishan and Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun
Abstract: The present study was conducted to assess & providing baseline information about the socio economic & livelihood status of fishermen in the Habiganj Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh during the period from August to November, 2018. The livelihood status of fishermen community of Habiganj Sadar Upazila was presented in terms of educational status, marital status, religious status, family size & type, housing facilities, electricity facilities, sanitary facilities, drinking water facilities, banking facilities, technical training, annual income. The survey revealed that majority of the fishermen belonged to the age groups of 31-40 years (28.75%), represented by 97% Muslim. 85% of them were married & 15% were unmarried. The family size of fishermen community usually consisted of more than 7 members. It was found that 61% of them lived in nuclear families and 39% live in joint families. About 72.5 % of fishermen were illiterate. Among them 7.25% can’t sign but 65% were able to sign. 76% of fishermen had tin shed house, 19% and 5% of the fishermen had katcha & pucca house respectively. The highest number (54%) of the fisher’s annual income ranged between 65,000 BDT-80,000 BDT. 61% of the fishermen received health service from District Sadar Hospital, 35% from village doctors and remaining 4% got health service from MBBS doctors. About 65% of fishermen used semi pucca toilet while 29% of fishermen had katcha toilet but only 6% fishermen used pucca toilet for hygiene facilities. Present study had been found that, 57% fishermen used own tube well while 40% used neigh bor’s tube well as a source of water. Only 3% used pond water. Most of them (72%) had electricity facilities in their house. Fishermen struggled for their livelihood. For the development of the socio economic status of fishermen expansion of education, technical training, off farm employment opportunity, loan facilities from government agencies and improved management of the local resources should be ensured.
Pages: 87-92 | 1196 Views 330 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Sakib Tahmid Rishan, Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun. Socio-economic status of fishermen at Habiganj Sadar Upazila in Bangladesh. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(3):87-92.