International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part A
Comparative analysis of animal based feed preferences in selected Aquarium fishes
Author(s): Ephsy K Davis and Selvaraju Raja
Abstract: Ornamental fishes are always an attractive add to your decoration design. In an aquatic ecosystem, the live food organisms constitute the most valuable resources for aquaculture. This outstanding achievement in animal based feed has resulted in increased survival, higher growth rate and greater resistance to stress. The study of the comparative feeding preferences of ornamental fishes
Trichogaster trichopterus(Gourami),
Puntius conchonius (Rosybarb),
Cyrtocara moorii (Blue Dolphin cichlid),
Poecilia sphenops (Blackmolly),
Paracheirodon innesi (Neon tetra) towards Mosquito larva, Bloodworms and Earthworm has revealed that fishes were fed three feeds and they preferred bloodworm and mosquito larvae. Fish primarily detect food in the aquarium through olfaction (smell) and sight ratherthan appearance, feel, and taste of the live foods. The
Puntius conchonius fish consumed mosquito larvae then earthworm (34.8±7.0 mg and 29.4±4.23 mg) and
Trichogaster trichopterus feed more bloodworm (41.25±4.03mg) in short time duration. The selected fishes are indeed suitable feed on mosquito larvae that can be used from wild in the context of mosquito management and inexpensive resources of this larvae can be used for aquarium fish production as alternative potential feed to reduce the feed cost.
Pages: 42-45 | 1506 Views 601 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Ephsy K Davis, Selvaraju Raja. Comparative analysis of animal based feed preferences in selected Aquarium fishes. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(2):42-45.