International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2019, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part A
Aqua drugs and antibiotics used in freshwater aquaculture of North Chittagong, Bangladesh
Author(s): Md. Abu Kawsar, Md. Tariqul Alam, Saokat Ahamed and Maliha Hossain Mou
Abstract: Aquaculture remains a growing, vibrant and important food production sector. Chemicals and drugs are widely used to increase aquaculture production in Bangladesh. A study was carried out to assess the aqua drugs and antibiotics used in aquaculture activities in north Chittagong of Bangladesh. Data were collected through questionnaire interview, personal contact, market survey and participatory rural appraisal like focus group discussion with fish hatchery owners, nursery and culture farmers, and retailers of aqua medicine and representatives of different pharmaceuticals companies. Major aquaculture species in experimental areas were combination of carps, tilapia and catfish (57%). Approximately 80 stakeholders were used to collect data from the selected upazilla of Chittagong and Cox’s bazar district. Six categories of aqua drugs and chemicals were found to be used by fish farmers for water quality management, disinfectants, disease treatment, antibiotics and growth promoter. Most commonly used chemicals in this area including Geotox, Acmes Zeolite, Zeofresh, Lime, Zeo prime, Hunter, Vita plankton for the pond preparation and water quality management. 60% farmer use only lime while 22% use commercial zeolite and lime during pond preparation. Bleaching 14%, Potassium permanganate 40%, and 38% farmer use different commercial disinfectant for the treatment of disease. Bio-ox, Oxylife, Oxymax, and Oxymore are the available chemicals for increasing oxygen concentration in the pond. Renamycin, Otetra-vet 20%, Erisen-vet, Cotrim-Vet, AT-vet, Sulprim-vet and Sulfatrim were widely used antibiotics in this area. The study shows that lack of knowledge regarding use of chemicals, appropriate dose, method of application and indiscriminate use of antibiotics. This research finding will help to fish farming community to know the appropriate dose and administration methods for safe and sustainable aquaculture practices.
Pages: 28-34 | 2091 Views 890 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Md. Abu Kawsar, Md. Tariqul Alam, Saokat Ahamed, Maliha Hossain Mou. Aqua drugs and antibiotics used in freshwater aquaculture of North Chittagong, Bangladesh. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2019;7(1):28-34.