International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part F
Osteological comparison between local and Thai climbing perch in terms of neurocranium, vertebral column and accessory respiratory organ
Author(s): Dr. Ismot Ara and Dr. Md. Rafiqun Nabi
Abstract: This study was carried out on the depth description of the osteology of neurocranium, vertebral column and accessory respiratory organ of two critically related varieties of
Anabas testudineus with a view to investigate the taxonomic problem. The neurorocranium of both
A. testudineus was found to consist of four regions, such as, olfactory, orbital, otic, and basicranial region. Olfactory region composed of mesethmoid, lateral ethmoids, vomer, supraethmoids, and nasals. Kinethmoid was absent in both varieties of koi. Most of the orbital bones were similar but fourth suborbitals were different in shape. The bones of otic region, particularly opisthotics
formed cup like fossa in local koi while it did not show such type of structure in Thai koi. Exoccipitals formed the sides of the foramen magnum, with condyles articulating with the first vertebra. Supraoccipital formed posterior roof of the skull beared a downward crest in both cases. This crest was somehow longer and more prominent in local koi than Thai koi. Accessory respiratory organ was composed of highly vascular layers of folded and convoluted skin, lying on both sides of the gill chambers and known as labyrinthine organ. This organ has complex structure with large surface area and showed much more fold in Thai koi than local variety and the base of the organ is more crescentic in local koi. The total number of vertebrae was 25 in both but the number was varied in thoracic and precaudal vertebrae. The ribs were more enlarged in Thai variety and increased ventral surface. The shape of vertebral column was sharply concave in local variety but about to horizontal in case of Thai koi. Caudal complex of two experimental varieties of koi were round in shape. The neural and haemal spine jointly formed the caudal complex where different hypural were fused together. Concerning the osteological study, local and Thai
A. testudineus were thoroughly investigated and observed that most of the bones of their skeleton were structurally common though have some obhious differences in some extend.
Pages: 484-491 | 1018 Views 280 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ismot Ara, Dr. Md. Rafiqun Nabi. Osteological comparison between local and Thai climbing perch in terms of neurocranium, vertebral column and accessory respiratory organ. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(4):484-491.