International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part E
Domestic fish marketing and socio-economic status of market functionaries of the selected districts of Chhattisgarh (India)
Author(s): B Nightingale Devi, HK Vardia, Shubham Sahu and Faleshwar Singh
Abstract: The study was carried out in three important fish markets located in three different districts Viz. Kabirdham, Bemetara and Rajnandgaon of the Chhattisgarh state to understand the domestic fish marketing system and socio-economic status of the key market functionaries. Total 60 numbers of market functionaries were randomly interviewed using a pre-structured questionnaire. Study revealed that all three major fish markets were male dominated with more than 80 percent of their involvement in different activities. Despites of low income level with 65 percent of the respondents of Kabirdham district were under BPL and 50 percent APL in other two district fish markets, their source of fund is by self. Consequently the lack of awareness and inadequate institutional financial sources in the study area is well prominent. Furthermore, three types of marketing channel were recognized in all the districts fish market. The types, size, and quality of fish species greatly affected the fish price along with seasonal variation with highest price in summer (March to May) and lowest in pre-winter (September to November) which is main fish harvesting season. The major constraints of the domestic fish markets of the study area were unhygienic handling of fish, inadequate icing and storage facilities, and lack of transportation services. It has been concluded that an organized institutional arrangements and better financial assistance through the intervention of the state government can improves the development of domestic fish markets.
Pages: 414-418 | 921 Views 181 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
B Nightingale Devi, HK Vardia, Shubham Sahu, Faleshwar Singh. Domestic fish marketing and socio-economic status of market functionaries of the selected districts of Chhattisgarh (India). Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(4):414-418.