International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part D
Effect of biofloc on growth of genetically improved farmed tilapia juveniles in indoor condition
Author(s): KACM Karunaarachchi, MAAP Kumari, AMJB Adikari and WAD Nayananjalie
Abstract: The experiment was focused to study the effect of biofloc on growth of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) juveniles. Two biofloc treatments; biofloc formed with added glucose (BFG) and molasses (BFM) by maintaining a C/N ratio at 15 were used. Water quality parameters, body weight and the standard body length were measured and specific growth rate (SGR) was calculated. Proximate analysis for biofloc was performed. Water quality parameters were within the favorable range for tilapia culture. The average body weight and length of tilapia were significantly higher (
P<0.05) in both treatments from 6
th week onwards. The significantly higher (
P<0.05) SGR of fish was observed in BFG (2.5% d
-1). Crude protein content was higher (
P<0.05) in BFG. Thus, it is concluded that biofloc enhances the growth of the tilapia.
Pages: 295-299 | 1167 Views 335 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
KACM Karunaarachchi, MAAP Kumari, AMJB Adikari, WAD Nayananjalie. Effect of biofloc on growth of genetically improved farmed tilapia juveniles in indoor condition. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(4):295-299.