International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Part B
Effect of substituting calabash seed (Lagenaria vulgaris) meal for groundnut cake in the diet of catfish (Clarias X Heterobranchus longifilis) hybrid fingerlings
Author(s): Jibrin H, Chidume I, Eze NC and Nwadu II
Abstract: The effect of substituting calabash seed (
Lagenaria vulgaris) meal (CSM) for groundnut cake (GNC) on growth performance and survival of
Clarias gariepinus x
Heterobranchus longifilins (Hybrid) fingerlings were investigated. Five isonitrigenous (45% crude protein level) diet at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% substitution levels of CSM for GNC, numbered I, II, III, IV and V were fed to 15 groups of hybrid fingerlings for 56 days. The CSM contains 5% moisture content, 6% ash content, 40% lipid content, 34.9% crude protein content, 2.5% crude fiber and 16.6% Nitrogen free extract. Fish fed diet I (control) had the highest survival rate of 96.6% followed by 93.3% survival rate of those fed diet II of 25% containing (13.47%) CSM and the lowest survival rate (86.7%) were recorded in fish fed diet III and V containing 27.55% and 57.76% CSM with no significant (
P>0.05) difference. Fish fed diet I containing 0% CSM recorded highest weight gain (2.00±0.05g); the lowest weight gain of (0.51±0.12g) was recorded in fish fed diet V containing 57.6% CSM with a significant (
P<0.05) difference. Specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio follow the same trend. The apparent Net protein Utilization (AppNPU) of the dietary treatment ranged from 8.33±0.22g in fish fed diet V containing 57.76% CSM to 3.78±048g in those fed diet III containing 27.55% CSM, with a significant (
P<0.05) differences between the dietary treatments. Conclusively, the calabash seed meal (CSM) can be incorporated in the diet hybrid fingerlings at 13.47 to 57.76 CSM with no significant (
P<0.05) difference in weight gain, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio. Therefore, it is expected that proper method of oil extraction should be employed to reduce the oil level of the calabash seed meal (CSM).
Pages: 134-138 | 1329 Views 348 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Jibrin H, Chidume I, Eze NC, Nwadu II. Effect of substituting calabash seed (Lagenaria vulgaris) meal for groundnut cake in the diet of catfish (Clarias X Heterobranchus longifilis) hybrid fingerlings. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(3):134-138.