International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part D
Study of seasonal prevalence of snails in Kanchipuram District of Tamil Nadu
Author(s): M Muthu, Dr. N Subramanian and Dr. C Soundararajan
Abstract: Seasonal prevalence of aquatic snails in four zones of Kancheepuram district viz., Melkadirpur, Kalianur, Enjambakkam and Vedal villages were carried out during the period from March 2016 to February 2017. The collected snails were identified as
Radix luteola, Indoplanorbis exuxtus, Gyraulus convexiusculus, Melanoides tuberculatus, Bellamyia sp.,
Stenothyra blanfordiana, Paludomas tranchauricus and
Pila globosa. Snails were found to be more in northeast monsoon (32.31%) followed by winter (25.09%), summer (21.50%) and southwest monsoon (21.08%). Among the snails, more number of
R. luteola G. convexiusculus Bellamyia sp., and
P. tranchauricus found in summer, whereas
I. exustus and
P. globosa were found more number during northeast and southwest monsoon respectively. Highest number of
M. tuberculatus and
S. blanfordiana occurs mostly during winter.
Pages: 300-304 | 1047 Views 214 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
M Muthu, Dr. N Subramanian, Dr. C Soundararajan. Study of seasonal prevalence of snails in Kanchipuram District of Tamil Nadu. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(2):300-304.