International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part B
Coral reef fishes of Tuhaha Bay, Saparua Island, Maluku province, Indonesia
Author(s): Dicky Sahetapy, ASW Retraubun, DG Bengen and J Abrahamsz
Abstract: Research on reef fishes of coral reefs of Tuhaha Bay Waters, Saparua Island was conducted on January 2016. Eleven stations of coral reef habitat were chosen randomly for this study and were observed by using underwater visual census method. The transect area of 250 m
2 (50 m length, 5 m width) was established at each station and reef fish found in each transect was identified to the species level using reference literature. At least 35 families of reef fish which consist of 105 genera and 243 species were found during the study. Those reef fish species found can be categorized into target species (77 species), major species (143 species) and indicator species (23 species). Coral Fish Diversity Index (CFDI) determined based on six main families indicate that relative diversity of reef fish in the study area can be classified into very poor to poor categories. Based on CFDI value, estimated number of reef fish in the coral reef habitat of Tuhaha Bay waters of Saparua Island was 434 species.
Pages: 105-109 | 1267 Views 376 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dicky Sahetapy, ASW Retraubun, DG Bengen, J Abrahamsz. Coral reef fishes of Tuhaha Bay, Saparua Island, Maluku province, Indonesia. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(2):105-109.