International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2018, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part B
Biological and fisheries aspect of Octopus sp. (Cephalopoda) from the waters of buton regency, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Author(s): Mira Maulita, Dwina Ashari, Sri Budiani Samsuharapan, Nunung Sabariah, Gunadi Zaenal Abidin and Mugi Mulyono
Abstract: An octopus fishery in Buton waters is expected to continue to decrease its catch. To know the condition of octopus fishery need to do research to get information of biology and fishery aspect as management effort. The aim of this research is related to fishery in Buton regency waters. Case study method was used in this research, by choosing Buton regency waters as the research area. This research was carried out in January until May 2016. Observation had been done in order to get the biological data of
Octopus sp. and fisheries aspect had been used by Purposive Sampling methods. The result of the research of 402 samples
Octopus sp. shows the pattern of allometric negative growth that grow rapidly from heavy growth
Octopus sp. the value of a (intercept) = equal to 1,979812, b (slope) = equal to 2,5722 and r (coefficient of correlation) = equal to 0.867888 then the equation of length and weight becomes W = 1,979812 L 2,5722. This shows that the b value obtained is smaller than 3 (three), which means that the octopus (
Octopus sp.) has a negative allometric growth pattern, due to the increase in octopus length faster than growth weight. Judging from the above calculation, the correlation value (r) is 0.867888 which is almost close to 1 (one) indicates the presence of a close enough and positive relationship between weight gain and octopus length.
Pages: 106-110 | 1768 Views 598 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mira Maulita, Dwina Ashari, Sri Budiani Samsuharapan, Nunung Sabariah, Gunadi Zaenal Abidin, Mugi Mulyono. Biological and fisheries aspect of Octopus sp. (Cephalopoda) from the waters of buton regency, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2018;6(1):106-110.