International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2017, Vol. 5, Issue 5, Part F
An evaluation of the alterations in protein content, total free amino acids and protein profiles of some major tissues of the edible carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) exposed to nitrogenous compounds
Author(s): K Sobha, N Yamini Sarada and T Anita Susan
Abstract: Anthropogenic discharges containing compounds of nitrogen, especially the excess use of fertilizers in agriculture, effect eutrophication in the water bodies resulting in mass mortality of aquatic fauna. As fish are a highly valued human protein food, the present study is attempted to evaluate the changes that occur in the protein constituents of different tissues of the edible carp,
Labeo rohita, on exposure to sub lethal concentrations of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate species. Estimation of proteins in the tissues gill, liver, brain and muscle of the control and the exposed fish indicated a very significant drop in the protein levels in ammonia exposed tissues as compared to NO2- and NO3- exposures. Brain and liver tissues of nitrate exposed fish had higher levels of proteins indicating the operation of damage repair mechanisms in these tissues. The significant increase in the total free amino acid (FAA) levels in fish exposed to the toxicants is suggestive of high protein turn over in them. Fish cultured in fresh water with low doses of nitrogen compounds had more amino acids, in general, than the fish cultured in pure fresh water.
Electrophoretic studies demonstrated several distinct changes in protein patterns of the vital tissues studied, suggestive of a greater vulnerability of high molecular weight proteins of structural and physiological importance, including metabolic enzymes.
Pages: 417-424 | 1238 Views 222 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
K Sobha, N Yamini Sarada, T Anita Susan. An evaluation of the alterations in protein content, total free amino acids and protein profiles of some major tissues of the edible carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) exposed to nitrogenous compounds. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2017;5(5):417-424.