International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2017, Vol. 5, Issue 5, Part C
Quantitative abundance of key intertidal gastropods at port Okha reef, Gujarat
Author(s): Mayank Pandey, AY Desai and KL Mathew
Abstract: Intertidal Rocky reef are valuable sites for investigation of relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function. The Intertidal zones natural products provide food, not only for humans, but for marine species and migrating birds. The present study was envisaged to know the quantitative abundance of gastropods at Port Okha Reef, Gujarat. Sampling was done from October, 2011 to March, 2012 with 1m
2 quadrant placed at a transect line in upper, middle and lower littoral region. Ecological attributes like density, frequency, cover and standing crop biomass were estimated to find out the dominant species from the study area.Three species of gastropods were found in major quantity from the entire three littoral zones which are
Turbo intercostalis, Turbo coronatus and
Astraea semicostata. Results of present investigation reveals that
coronatus is the most dominant gastropod species in terms of density and biomass at Okha Reef. A clear dominance was observed in the middle littoral zone as compared to the other two littoral zones.
Pages: 188-192 | 1530 Views 526 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mayank Pandey, AY Desai, KL Mathew. Quantitative abundance of key intertidal gastropods at port Okha reef, Gujarat. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2017;5(5):188-192.