International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2017, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part C
In vitro studies for development of periphyton and biofouling by aquatic insect larvae on substrates
Author(s): Yasmeen A Shaikh, and Shivaji P Chavan
Abstract: The present study was designed to determine development of periphyton and biofouling by aquatic insect larvae on substrates like I) N1-Cotton stem II) N2-Sugarcane Baggasse III) N3-
Ipomea stem IV) A1-Stones V) A2-Bisleri Bottle Strips VI) A3-Rubber Strips of Vehicle Tyre were assessed. Results showed that periphyton growth in case of Sedgewick Rafter counting and biomass on N1 substrate was 41666.67±577.3503 no.lit-1 and 33.79 gm.lit-1 respectively compare to remaining substrates, among periphytic community class chlorophyceae was diverse. N1 substrate was high in the form of aquatic insect larvae percentage due to nature and nutrient diffusing ability of substrates, all larval forms of insects
Culex sp. was dominant 69.76%. The study revealed that N1 is most specific substrate for periphytic growth and ALI. Hence, N1 is used for improving primary productivity of fresh water ecosystem for aquaculture yields.
Pages: 224-227 | 1172 Views 196 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Yasmeen A Shaikh,, Shivaji P Chavan. In vitro studies for development of periphyton and biofouling by aquatic insect larvae on substrates. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2017;5(4):224-227.