Title and Authors Name |
Maturation of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, in condition of seasonal climate of Uzbekistan Abdulla Kurbanov and Bakhtiyar Kamilov Pages: 236-239 - Viewed: 1992 - Downloaded: 972 |
Observations on the food preferences, growth parameters and biological aspects of Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus, 1758 exploited through the longline survey operations along the West coast of India Vinod Kumar M, Farejiya M K, Kiran S Mali, Sahu KC and Rahulkumar Tailor Pages: 240-248 - Viewed: 1257 - Downloaded: 142 |
A report on Pterygoplichthys pardalis Amazon sailfin suckermouth Catfishes in Freshwater tanks at Telangana state, India Dr. K Rama Rao and Venugopal Sunchu Pages: 249-254 - Viewed: 1950 - Downloaded: 619 |
Fish glue from tilapia scale and skin and its physical and chemical characters Shirin Akter, Md. Ashikur Rahman, Jasmin Naher, Mohammad Wahidur Rahman Majumder and AKM Nowsad Alam Pages: 255-257 - Viewed: 3353 - Downloaded: 1621 |
Comparative analysis of nutritional quality between Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) and Hilsa (Hilsa ilisha), preserved and cooked under different conditions Uttiya Jana and Sarmistha Chakrabarti Pages: 258-263 - Viewed: 1345 - Downloaded: 227 |
Spawning response of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), Claridae: Teleost) exposed to different piscine pituitary and synthetic hormone Gadisa Natea, Mulugeta Wakjira, Tokuma Negisho and Megerssa Endebu Pages: 264-269 - Viewed: 1722 - Downloaded: 497 |
Comparison on bacterial load of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) farm in the southwest region of Bangladesh Md Shariful Islam, Subrina Khatun and Syed Lutfor Rahman Pages: 270-273 - Viewed: 2756 - Downloaded: 244 |
Chronic toxic effects of ekalux on some biochemical parameters in Cyprinus carpio (Lin.) J Nancy Shophiya and JMV Kalaiarasi Pages: 274-277 - Viewed: 1189 - Downloaded: 171 |
Impact of aquaculture on the livelihoods and food security of rural communities Olaganathan Rajee and Alicia Tang Kar Mun Pages: 278-283 - Viewed: 1810 - Downloaded: 655 |
Limno-chemical profile and fisheries potential of Maithon reservoir in Jharkhand, India Akanksha Singh, Sagar Agrawal, Mohd. Iqbal Khan, AK Das, UK Mishra and Praveen Kumar Pages: 284-286 - Viewed: 1291 - Downloaded: 215 |