International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2016, Vol. 4, Issue 6, Part E
Efficacy of different fertilizers on maximization of green back mullet (Chelon subviridis) fry production in nursery ponds
Author(s): Rumana Yasmin, Md. Shariful Islam and Syed Lutfor Rahman
Abstract: The study was conducted to pave the way for expansion and maximize production through supply of quality seed of
Chelon subviridis by means of development of sustainable nursery management technique of this important species in the vast coastal water bodies of Bangladesh. As a result, supply of this fish in both national and international markets will be increased. The study was conducted for the period of 3 month in the earthen ponds situated in the pond complex of Brackish water Station of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute with different fertilizers to compare the efficacy of those fertilizers in the production of quality fry of
C. subviridis. The differences in length among three treatments were significant (
p<0.05) in nursery ponds. Highest Final wt. of the fry, 0.21±0.05 g was recorded from the ponds fertilized with organic fertilizers only while growth of fry was 0.24±0.05 g and 0.34 ± 0.025 g in ponds treated with only inorganic fertilizer and mixture of inorganic and organic fertilizer, respectively. The differences among them were significant (
p<0.05). However, average survival of the stocked hatchlings was highest (85.5%) in ponds fertilized with mixture of organic and inorganic fertilizers (T
3) followed by 71.5% survival in ponds fertilized with inorganic fertilizers only (T
2) and 68.5% survival in ponds with organic fertilizer only (T
1). The differences in survival among three treatments were significant (
p<0.05). After 27 days of rearing (with three subsequent trials), production of fishes in treatment T
3 (23.22 Kg/dec) was significantly highest than those of T
1 (15.92 Kg/dec) and T2 (16.62 Kg/dec). The present findings indicate that growth, length, production and survival of
C. subviridis fries were significantly higher in ponds fertilized with mixture of organic and inorganic fertilizer due to higher plankton production during the culture period.
Pages: 351-356 | 1528 Views 183 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Rumana Yasmin, Md. Shariful Islam, Syed Lutfor Rahman. Efficacy of different fertilizers on maximization of green back mullet (Chelon subviridis) fry production in nursery ponds. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(6):351-356.