International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2016, Vol. 4, Issue 5, Part H
Interlinking of Krishna and Godavari rivers: An ecological study
Author(s): Ravi Babu B and P Padmavathi
Abstract: India known for rivers and biodiversity throughout the world. Himalayan rivers and peninsular rivers are main rivers in India. Himalayan rivers have water throughout the year but peninsular rivers are depending on monsoon precipitation. Droughts are common problem in this peninsular Indian rivers region. Some rivers have plenty of water and that water flow into the sea without use. Some rivers have very small quantity of water that is not enough for irrigation. So the concept of interlinking of rivers came out. Interlinking of Rivers is good thought but every river has its unique biodiversity. Due to interlinking of rivers the uniqueness of biodiversity will disturb and due to invasion of non-native species the native species will go for extinction. Krishna River has unique fish biodiversity. When Krishna river inter link with Godavari river, it will lose its unique biodiversity. Already exotic fishes like Piranhas present in Godavari River enter the Krishna River causing damage to the fish nets in Krishna River. Piranha fishes are carnivore. Due to this carnivorous habit, it can cause the damage to the native species.
Pages: 593-595 | 2531 Views 1126 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Ravi Babu B, P Padmavathi. Interlinking of Krishna and Godavari rivers: An ecological study. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(5):593-595.