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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0506, E-ISSN: 2347-5129

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies

2016, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part D

Optimization of stocking density for Azolla based carp polyculture pond

Author(s): Md. Asadujjaman, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Rayhan Ali and Md. Akhtar Hossain

Abstract: The study optimized the stocking density for Azolla based carp polyculture ponds under 3 different treatments like T1: 10000 fish ha-1, T2: 11500 fish ha-1 and T3: 12500 fish ha-1. Fishes (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus cirrhosus, Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella and Barbonymus gonionotus) were also grown for a period of six months. Mean initial stocking weight of H. molitrix, C. catla, L. rohita, C. cirrhosus, C. carpio, C. idella and B. gonionotus were 60, 65, 58, 52, 61, 70 and 22 g respectively. There were 3 replications for each treatment under this experiment. Liming (250 kg ha-1) and basal fertilization (cow dung: 1500 kg ha-1, urea: 60 kg ha-1 and TSP: 60 kg ha-1) were done for all the treatments. Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) (2.5 kg ha-1day-1 in all treatments) was applied as periodic fertilization. Water quality parameters (temperature, transparency, DO, pH, alkalinity and free CO2) were monitored fortnightly and fish growth parameters (weight gain and Specific Growth Rate (SGR)) were monitored monthly. Economics (in terms of total cost, gross benefit, net profit margin and Cost Benefit Ratio (CBR)) of fish farming was also evaluated. No significant difference in the mean values of water quality parameters was found between the treatments. The significant difference (P<0.05) with the treatments was found in all the growth parameters except survival rate. Treatment T3 varied more significantly (P<0.05) for the mean values of total yield, but in terms of total cost, gross benefit, net benefit, net profit margin and CBR, treatment T1 (stocking density of 10000 fish ha-1) was found best. Findings indicated that the stocking density of 10000 fish ha-1 could be a good option for low cost Azolla based fish farming in Bangladesh.

Pages: 273-279  |  1705 Views  286 Downloads

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
How to cite this article:
Md. Asadujjaman, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Rayhan Ali, Md. Akhtar Hossain. Optimization of stocking density for Azolla based carp polyculture pond. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(4):273-279.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies