International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2016, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part H
Immuno histochemical localization and expression of MIS receptor alpha protein in the oocyte of Labeo rohita
Author(s): Saravanan N, Uma T, Jothi Narendiran N and Inbaraj RM
Abstract: Steroid progesterone induces the resumption of maturation in oocytes via a nongenomic pathway through binding to a novel membrane progestin receptor (mPR). Moreover, the membrane progestin receptors (mPRs) that act as intermediaries in these nongenomic steroid actions have been identified biochemically on plasma membranes of fish and amphibian oocytes, as well as on spotted seatrout and mammalian sperm. However, the expression and localization of MIS receptor α gene/protein during ovarian development of the Indian major carp,
Labeo rohita have not been reported. We analyzed MIS receptor α transcript abundance during hCG-induced oocyte maturation,
in vitro by immunohistochemistry. However, the present study focused to identify the immunohistochemical localization of the mPRα protein in the oocyte of
Labeo rohita. The oocyte sections were incubated with specific antibody for mPRα protein immunoreactions. Present results provide an idea of expression of mPRα protein in the oocyte membrane of
L. rohita.
Pages: 581-585 | 1476 Views 191 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Saravanan N, Uma T, Jothi Narendiran N, Inbaraj RM. Immuno histochemical localization and expression of MIS receptor alpha protein in the oocyte of Labeo rohita. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(3):581-585.