International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2016, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part F
Species composition of marine food fishes at Palanan, Isabela as influenced by seasonal variation
Author(s): Amaro Nuestro Baleta Jr and Francis Nuestro Baleta
Abstract: The present study was conducted to document the species composition of marine food fishes caught along the coastal waters of Palanan, Isabela at the onset of summer and rainy seasons. Ocular visits and personal interviews were conducted along the four landing sites at Palanan, Isabela namely; Dicotcotan, Sabang, Culasi and Dimolid. A total of seventy four (74) fish species belonging to 37 families and 9 orders were documented during the study periods. The families with the highest number of species identified were Acanthuridae and Carangidae with both eight species documented.
Acanthurus lineatus (Blue-lined Surgeonfish) and
Atule mate (Yellow-tailed Scad) were the most predominant species along the family Acanthuridae and Carangidae, respectively for both summer and rainy seasons. However, pelagic fish that belongs to the family Carangidae, Scombridae, Coryphaenidae, Synodontidae, Sphyraenidae, and Istiophoridae were very rare during rainy season. There were 19 species distributed to 8 families which are considered as by-catch and low-valued fish along the 4 landing sites of Palanan, Isabela.
Pages: 414-420 | 1925 Views 525 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Amaro Nuestro Baleta Jr, Francis Nuestro Baleta. Species composition of marine food fishes at Palanan, Isabela as influenced by seasonal variation. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(3):414-420.