International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2016, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part F
Diversity of crabs in Tekkali creek, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh
Author(s): Myla S Chakravarty, PRC Ganesh, D Amarnath, B Shanthi Sudha, V Vivek
Abstract: Tekkali Creek is located on the East coast of India in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh being connected by different channels, canals, streams etc. The creek was surveyed for different crab populations. Fifteen species belonging to five families– Ocypodidae, Grapsidae, Sesarmidae, Portinidae and Varunidae and nine genera-
Ocypode, Uca, Grapsus, Sesarma, Perisesarma, Episesarma, Portunus, Scylla and Hemigrapsus were recorded. Of the species identified seven were marine and eight were brackish water.
Pages: 414-418 | 1939 Views 307 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Myla S Chakravarty, PRC Ganesh, D Amarnath, B Shanthi Sudha, V Vivek. Diversity of crabs in Tekkali creek, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(1):414-418.