International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
2016, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part C
Consumption behavior and pattern of fish consumption among university students: A case study from university of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Author(s): Herath HMTNB, Radampola K
Abstract: In the present study fish consumption pattern of undergraduates in University of Ruhuna was studied. Self-administrated questionnaire was prepared and information was collected from 120 students in faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Management and Finance, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Science. No association was found between the socio demographic factors and fish consumption pattern among the students. Out of the various fish species
Katsuwonus pelamis (87.27%) and
Thunnus albacares (86.36%) were most preferred fish. Tilapia and exotic Carps were the most preferable inland fish species. Nutritional value (69.09%) and the taste of the fish (23.64%) are most important factors in consuming fish. In inland sector easy availability and the lower price is governing factors for fish consumption. However remarkable portion of individuals (75.51%) do not consume inland fish due to lower taste and odor. Significant impact by the religion towards not to eating fish was also understood. It was revealed that most preferable fish post-harvest products are the dried fish (98.18%) and the Maldives fish (96.36%). However data revealed that easiness to prepare is most important character in consuming the fish post-harvest products among university students. Further questions regarding state of knowledge over fish consumption revealed that, there is significantly low knowledge in Quality Index Method (QIM) over identification of right fish for consumption.
Pages: 197-202 | 2338 Views 553 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Herath HMTNB, Radampola K. Consumption behavior and pattern of fish consumption among university students: A case study from university of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. Int J Fish Aquat Stud 2016;4(1):197-202.